Go to Chichijima and Stay for A While! A New Website for International Travelers

The longstay promotion project for international travelers is a project that actualizes Chichijima's brand concept of an island that lives in a different world in its own bright way. To truly understand what makes Chichijima great, we're promoting long term stays (8 nights or more, two sea voyages on the Ogasawara-Maru) instead of shorter stays for potential visitors.


(Longstay Project Website for International Travelers to Japan "Bonin-Islands Chichijima" https://ogasawara-community.com)

One way we're promoting these long stays is by creating an English language website, which officially opened in March 2023. The website has a lot of attractive content that will make one want to stay for a longer time such as activities that one can do in the sea or mountains, information about the island's abundant nature and information about the lives of the people who live there.

The website also contains information about what sort of activities you can do in the sea such as gently sea kayaking in the beautiful waters of the Ogasawara Islands, or mermaid swims where you can swim like a mermaid. As for activities in the mountains, you can visit old battlefields from World War II and forests that protect plants and animals specific to the islands.


(The Custom Send-off)

Experience the warmth of the people on the island on the website. As Chichijima is only accessible via ship, many islanders will send off visitors when visitors leave the island. It's quite a lovely experience with many expressing their desire to visit the island again.


(Example Courses for a Long Stay)

The website has example courses for people who want to visit and travel to the island. There is a short-term stay course for three nights and a long stay course for eight. Those visiting on a short-term stay course will experience a balanced program consisting of activities in the sea, mountains and creating handicrafts. On the other hand, those who would like to visit for a longer stay will enjoy spending longer amounts of time on each activity and be able to visit other nearby islands for other island activities.

Since the Ogasawara Islands including Chichijima have been designated as a world natural heritage site in June 2011, many people have started to understand what makes these islands so attractive. The longstay promotion project hope that this website will allow international travelers to Japan to consider visiting and staying in Chichijima when staying in the country for longer periods of time.