First, an advisor from Bakatsudo, Inc. (professionals who specialize in energizing discussion spaces) spoke about how it was important for the participants to come to a collective understanding of the event's purpose before beginning to discuss how to implement the event.

Participants mentioned several reasons for holding the event, including leaving the children with memories of being loved by people in the community, feeling joy as an adult by seeing the children's smiling faces, and preserving an event that represents the island's charm. Participants then discussed concrete measures for holding the event.

People who live outside of Hahajima also attend the Hahajima Bukatsudo, and this allows for a variety of opinions to be exchanged. "It's important for many people to talk about community issues at a forum like this as though they are personal issues." "Even if we didn't reach a conclusion, many hints were raised." "There is value in simply having a discussion first." As such statements suggest, the participants appreciated the value provided by the Hahajima Bukatsudo, as it enabled them to hear each other's diverse ways of thinking.