Conduct a monitor tour to experience the "repeat-worthy island"

In order to substantiate the initiative ideas discussed in the FY 2018 island meetings, a monitor tour was done in the "repeat-worthy island" on January 25-26, 2020 and January 29-30. The former was attended by a pair of foreigners living in Japan while the latter was attended by a pair of Japanese people. A 1 hour 45-minute jet boat ride was taken from Takeshiba, which then landed in Oshima. Oshima is next to the Izu Peninsula and is the closest island to Tokyo. Thanks to the Kuroshio, there are warm winds throughout the year. The food, cultural experiences, and interactions with the locals seem to have left deep impressions on the visitors. Upon continuing the initiative in the future, since women are the target, information will be made available beforehand, experiences unique to Oshima will be made clear, and challenges regarding the tour composition strewn with specialties and famous spots will be considered for development.


The ashitaba foraged on their own was used to make tempura. Oranges were used to make ice cream. The foreign monitors were very interested in making tempura for the first time and were focused on mastering the technique. They said that the ice cream they made was very delicious.


The monitors participated in the camellia festival wearing the traditional Anko costume with the help of the Anko Culture Preservation Club. The monitors said that wearing a beautiful costume and joining a cultural event with the locals was a very valuable experience.


Since the Japanese people were living on their own, having a meal with residents of various generations was a good experience that led to new encounters. In this day in age when information and things flood our lives, people and feelings are also important aspects of tourism.