2nd Tokyo Treasure Islands Meeting Held

As part of the Tokyo Treasure Islands project which aims to brand the island area of Tokyo, the "Island Assembly" was held in 2018. This assembly discussed branding the islands at Oshima, Kozushima, Miyakejima, and Hachijojima. Representatives from all Shimasho Area of Tokyo attend this meeting, including seven islands other than the 4 hosting islands of the Island Assembly. They discuss ways to promote the social recognition of "Tokyo Treasure Islands Brand" learning from past examples. The assembly is aimed to be a place for sharing information and opinions on the matter. On January 29, the 2nd Tokyo Treasure Islands Assembly was held, where attendees from the four islands which had been hosting the Assembly, as well as those from 11 islands gathered together.

First off, an action plan was announced, which helps each island conceptualizes the brand by actualizing "What kind of values to prove? " "To whom?" and "In a nutshell, what is it?"

The first to go was Kozushima. This time, they have set their brand to attract the off-season customers. As their persona (symbolic customer icon), they have selected an Australian couple in their 30's who would come to the island during the off-season because of the difference in holiday season compared to Japan. The announced brand concept of the island was "Let it be; living with the world as it is." Some of the "treasures" of Kozushima they wish their persona to experience are "The island food and lodging where you can enjoy the time with locals" and "Natural springs such as in the Legend of Mizukubari". Action plans to make it happen were also suggested, such as "Tokyo fishing village tour" and "Branding the red fish".

Next up was Oshima. Their brand concept was "Repeat-worthy island", and the persona they have set was "38 year-old woman living in an urban city, who is curious and adventurous, and her friends." Their action plan was to "turn the beautiful 'Sunset Palm Line' which extends for 5.5km from Motomachi Port in the west coast of the island into the world's best multi-attraction street". Some of the "treasures" of Oshima they wish their persona to experience are "the friendly islanders" and "the location - 2 hours from Tokyo's city center".

Next was Miyakejima. Their Persona is "20 to 30 year-old woman who is looking for an opportunity to take a break from her social life in the city and try to face herself." They wish the persona to "enjoy the dynamism of destruction and regeneration, which can only be experienced in this volcanic island, with all 5 senses." Their action plan is to combine the natural experience with farming and fishing experience as "Miyakejima Experience Reflection Tour". As for the "treasures" of Miyakejima they wish their Persona to experience, they pushed forward the identity of their island which are based on volcanoes; "Religiousness," "Volcanoes," and "Raw nature."

The last presenter was Hachijojima. They have set their Persona as "A woman who is tired of the city life, working as a creator", and their brand concept to "An island where the curious and nature-loving women can get 'Vitamin H' and reflect on themselves; giving them joy". "Vitamin H" is the values which Persona could get at Hachijojima, such as impactful experience, exile culture, and second-home. Some of the "treasures" of Hachijojima they wish their Persona to experience are "healing", "Japanese bars", and "the crops that grow with the graceful climate" Their action plan was described as "The trip to Hachijojima and adventure there will heal the body and the soul, and it will bring you back to your roots, while updating the version of you".

After that, there was a group discussion based on the presentation of each islands. The aim of the discussion was to polish the action plan ideas by guest advisors, facilitators, and the participants. Following was overall comment by the facilitator, and at the end, the guest advisor gave their comments.

In this Tokyo Island Assembly, the participants gained confidence in their ideas, as well as found challenges to dig into and to think about. At the 5th Island Assembly hdlc In February, they will further polish their brand concept and action plan for the final presentation in March.