What is
Tokyo Treasure
Islands Project?
Tokyo’s islands have many treasures including natural landscapes, ocean resources, specialty goods, as well as history and culture. These treasures have hidden potential for further use and expanded attraction. The Tokyo Treasure Islands Project aims to dig up these treasures and hidden appeals, polish them, and communicate them widely to brand the islands.
For more detail
A meeting in which people from Tokyo’s 11 islands (Oshima, Toshima, Niijima, Shikinejima, Kouzushima, Miyakejima, Mikurashima, Hachijojima, Aogashima, Chichijima, and Hahajima) gather to exchange information on the islands and to learn about advanced cases in branding.
A meeting carried out by residents of the 11 islands, who hold discussions on branding the island, consider brand concepts, and examine initiative ideas based on the brand concepts.
The sustained initiatives of each island that support the embodiment and realization of the ideas considered during the island meetings.
This is a concept movie of The Tokyo Treasure Islands Project that aims to showcase the enchanting jewels of 11 unique islands such as wonderful scenery, local specialties and their culture and publicize it broadly.
In cooperation with a specified non-profit corporation Nature Service https://www.natureservice.jp/