Creating friends through social media and outlook for next fiscal year (Report from the island)

Thanks in part to the distribution of the second issue of the Niijima Treasure Island Newspaper, which was published in January, members of Niijima's meeting have started to receive warm encouragement from island residents.

The project (an experience-oriented program that uses a new method of transportation) is up and rolling, but there is still a long road ahead until it gets on track. From here on out, members will steadily put the decisions they have made at Urashima Meetings* into action. Finding time in between their day-to-day work, they will begin to steer the project toward its goal.


*The "Urashima Meeting" is the Niijima team meeting held every Tuesday

< First, send out information >

To convey the project's value, members need to let people know about the project in a smart and casual manner.

Having set goals for creating fans and recruiting drivers through social media, they post something every Tuesday at noon to official Instagram, Twitter, and LINE accounts. To avoid making haphazard posts, they manage the share-worthy photos and text online using a group spreadsheet.

The number of followers of "Niijima_Velotaxi" has been increasing, due in part to the steady stream of updates and use of each platform's respective strengths.


The meaning of the Japanese text in the above image is as follows.
We're posting the latest information! Check it out!
The Tokyo Treasure Islands Niijima Team now has official accounts!
We provide the latest information through Instagram, our LINE Official Account, and Twitter.
There is also detailed information about drivers and guides, so feel free to follow or add us if you are interested.

To make the Velotaxi stand out more, they also made important changes to its appearance!

The Velotaxi was wrapped in a new color so that it would fit in better with Niijima's bright scenery. They also chose a lucky yellow color and decorated it with a turtle-like character. If standing out has a positive impact on the driver's hospitality, it will kill two birds with one stone. Hopes are swelling.


This character was named Honu*, the Hawaiian word for sea turtle. It will serve as a guide who leads people to treasures scattered across the island, and members hope that it will help the Velotaxi become a feature of the island loved by local residents.

*Honu means sea turtle in the Hawaiian language. In Hawaii, sea turtles have been cherished as messengers from the gods and guardians of the sea who bring good luck.

< Meticulous planning for TABICA operations >

To ensure that the team is prepared to handle operations when an actual application is received through TABICA, members accepted media coverage under the same conditions as a real request and confirmed the handling procedures and flow of the activity plan.

This trial run has cleared their worries and given them the confidence to accept future requests.


< Preparing for the next fiscal year >

● Operate activity plans consistently
Members are planning to hold a test ride event in April to find team members who will enjoy working together on the project and allow island residents to experience the Velotaxi. In addition, they will keep holding the Urashima Meetings in anticipation of it leading to the creation of more interesting plans suited to Niijima.

● Be an active part of the island scene to solve issues on the island
This project was an excellent learning experience, as it allowed members to experience the process of conducting meetings and turning ideas into actions. The team would like to use their experience to help with problems in the community if needed in the future.

● Propose initiatives that will serve as common goals for the Tokyo Treasure Islands
The ocean is a common treasure of all eleven islands. To protect this ocean, Niijima will launch the "Replace Plastic Clothespins with Aluminum Project" in cooperation with the Niijima Fishery Processors Association as a measure to reduce plastic use. They are looking forward to having fun and deepening ties among the Tokyo Treasure Islands next fiscal year so that the "Tokyo Islands" will become "Eco Islands"!


To all people involved in this initiative:
Thank you for your support!

Written by Terunoshin Nishitsugu, Niijima Local Coordinator
